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Truck Drivers and Road Rage

 Posted on April 29,2024 in Truck Accidents

IL injury lawyerProfessional truck drivers who have commercial driver's licenses (CDLs) are held to a higher standard of conduct than most other drivers. This is in part because they are considered professional drivers and in part because they are entrusted with very large and heavy vehicles that can cause devastating damage to others very quickly. Truck drivers are human and are just as prone to issues like road rage as any other driver. However, a commercial truck driver who becomes enraged can be much more dangerous than most others. When a truck driver gets road rage, he is more likely to cause an accident involving multiple other vehicles and serious injuries or even fatalities. If you were injured in a commercial trucking accident, consult a Will County, IL truck accident lawyer immediately.

Road Rage Risk Factors for Truck Drivers

Truck drivers may be faced with conditions likely to induce road rage at higher rates than other drivers, including: 

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What if a Car Accident Was Partially My Fault?

 Posted on April 12,2024 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerCar accidents often happen because more than one driver erred. However, if you were less than 50 percent at fault for a wreck, you can likely still recover compensation. If the accident was more than 50 percent your fault, you might be barred from recovering damages under Illinois’ comparative negligence statute. This means that your Will County, IL car wreck lawyer will need to investigate and try to show the court that the accident was less than half your fault. If the court finds that you were less than 50 percent at fault, your compensation might be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you. For example, if you were 20 percent at fault for the accident, you can likely recover compensation for 80 percent of your damages. If there is a dispute over who was at fault for an accident, being represented by a skilled attorney is essential.

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Nursing Home Negligence and Elopement in Illinois

 Posted on March 27,2024 in Nursing Home Negligence

IL injury lawyerNursing homes have a duty to take measures so that elderly and confused residents cannot wander away from the facility alone. Disoriented senior citizens can become injured or ill very quickly if they are able to leave their nursing homes unsupervised. Nursing homes are professional care practices that are responsible for taking appropriate precautions to keep their residents safe. If your loved one was harmed after eloping from a nursing home unnoticed, he or she may be entitled to compensation. It is important to quickly contact an experienced Plainfield, IL, nursing home negligence lawyer if your loved one is injured because a skilled care facility allowed him or her to wander away.

How Negligence in Nursing Homes Leads to Elopement 

Problems in nursing homes that can lead to a vulnerable resident leaving the grounds unnoticed include:

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Common Work Injuries for Delivery Drivers in Illinois

 Posted on March 20,2024 in Workers' Compensation

IL injury lawyerIf you are employed as a package delivery driver for a company like UPS or FedEx, you are likely entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits if you get hurt doing your job. Injuries are fairly common in this line of work for many reasons. People who spend their days lifting packages, entering people’s property to drop items off, and driving around are far more likely to get hurt than those who mainly work at a desk. Workers’ Compensation can often cover all of your medical expenses as well as any wages you lose while you cannot work due to your injury. A Will County, IL workers’ compensation attorney can help you understand what your rights are and what benefits you might be owed after a work-related injury.

5 Most Common Ways Delivery Drivers Are Injured at Work

Some of the most common types of work-related injuries package delivery drivers suffer include:

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5 Common Causes of Car Accidents Involving Rideshare Drivers

 Posted on February 29,2024 in Car Accidents

Blog ImageRidesharing services have become a common method of transportation that is used by people in large cities, such as Chicago, suburban areas such as Will County, and many other locations. While these services offer convenience and accessibility, the ever-increasing number of rideshare vehicles on the road has led to an increase in car accidents involving rideshare drivers. 

People who are injured in these accidents, including rideshare passengers, drivers or passengers of other vehicles involved in collisions, or pedestrians who are struck by negligent rideshare drivers, may be uncertain about the causes of these accidents. They may be unsure about whether a company such as Uber or Lyft can be held responsible for the harm they have suffered. Fortunately, an experienced attorney can provide invaluable legal help to those affected by rideshare accidents, ensuring that they can navigate the legal complexities involved in recovering compensation for their damages.

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When Is a Fatal Accident Considered a Wrongful Death?

 Posted on February 13,2024 in Personal Injury

Blog ImageThere are many situations where people may act negligently and put others at risk, and in some cases, these actions may lead to dangerous accidents that result in fatalities. When a fatal accident takes place, a victim’s surviving family members may be able to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit and recover financial compensation for their loss. An attorney who has experience representing grieving family members can ensure that a wrongful death claim will be handled correctly.

Negligence and Wrongful Death

In order to receive compensation for a wrongful death, certain elements must be proven:

  • Duty of care: The party who is accused of causing a person’s death had a legal duty to act in a reasonable manner towards the deceased.

  • Breach of duty: The party failed to fulfill their duty of care through negligent or intentional actions.

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5 Common Types of Workplace Injuries

 Posted on January 25,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Blog ImageAccidents can happen anywhere, and the workplace is no exception. Every day, workers in various industries are injured on the job due to a variety of reasons. These injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more serious conditions that require extensive medical treatment. If you have been injured at work, it is important to understand your options for receiving workers' compensation benefits. An experienced attorney can provide representation when filing claims related to work injuries, ensuring that you will be able to receive the benefits you deserve.

Some injuries that commonly occur in workplaces in Illinois include:

1. Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slippery floors, cluttered walkways, or uneven surfaces can lead to slips-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents. During the winter, the risks of these types of accidents can increase due to snow, ice, wet floors, and other issues that lead to slippery walking surfaces. These accidents can cause sprains, fractures, head injuries, or spinal cord damage. Employers have a responsibility to maintain a safe working environment by promptly addressing any hazards that could contribute to these incidents.

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When Can Negligence Lead to Winter Car Accidents?

 Posted on January 25,2024 in Car Accidents

Blog ImageWinter driving can be treacherous, with icy roads, reduced visibility, and unpredictable weather conditions. While it may seem like accidents during the winter can sometimes be unavoidable due to these factors, the truth is that many winter car accidents are the result of negligence. When drivers fail to take proper precautions or drive recklessly in winter conditions, they put themselves and others at risk. By understanding the ways people can cause car accidents in the winter and working with an attorney who has experience in these types of cases, drivers, passengers, or others who are injured in car crashes can take steps to recover financial compensation. Some common forms of negligence that affect people during the winter months include:

Failing to Adapt Driving Behavior

One of the most common forms of driver negligence during the winter is failing to make adjustments to the ways they drive based on the conditions of the roads. Some drivers may continue to speed even when there is ice or snow on the road. They may follow other vehicles too closely without allowing enough stopping distance, or they may fail to adjust their speed correctly when approaching curves or intersections. Failing to adapt to road conditions during snowstorms, cold weather, or other times when winter weather makes driving dangerous can significantly increase the risks of losing control and causing an accident.

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Why Is Elopement a Dangerous Issue in Nursing Homes?

 Posted on January 19,2024 in Nursing Home Negligence

Blog ImageMany families entrust nursing homes with the care of their elderly loved ones. However, there are some cases where a nursing home may seem to be clean and organized, and a facility may seem to be run well, but there are still issues that may affect residents’ safety. One growing concern is elopement, which occurs when nursing home residents wander away from a facility and encounter safety risks while in public. Numerous incidents have been documented across the United States in which nursing home patients have left facilities without supervision and been seriously injured or killed.

When a nursing home fails to take the proper steps to protect a person’s safety, a family will often be left wondering how this could have happened. In these situations, an attorney with experience in cases involving nursing home injuries can help determine whether the negligence of a facility or its staff members caused a patient to suffer personal injuries or wrongful death. A family may be able to recover compensation for their losses and ensure that a nursing home will be held responsible for its negligence.

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Why Are Fatal Car Accidents Increasing in the United States?

 Posted on December 20,2023 in Car Accidents

Blog ImageIn recent years, the United States has seen a troubling rise in fatal car accidents. Despite advancements in vehicle safety technology and increased awareness campaigns, the number of deaths on American roads continues to climb. There are several factors that have contributed to this alarming trend. Following a car accident, people who have been injured or family members of a person who was wrongfully killed will need to understand their legal options, and they can do so with the help of an experienced attorney.

The Impact of Smartphone Use

The most significant increase in fatal car accidents involves pedestrians who are killed during the nighttime. Out of the more than 7,000 fatal pedestrian accidents that took place in 2021, around 75 percent of them occurred after sunset and before sunrise. While there are a number of potential reasons for this trend, the increased use of smartphones is likely to be a primary factor.

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