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Marijuana Decriminalization Could Lead to More Traffic Accidents

 Posted on January 25, 2017 in Car Accidents

traffic accidents, Plainfield, IL car accident attorneyLast year Illinois decriminalized possession of marijuana in small amounts. Instead of facing jail time, people found carrying less than 10 grams of marijuana will be fined a maximum of $200. This new law could result in more accidents caused by drivers under the influence of marijuana.

Other States Have Seen a Spike in Accidents Involving Marijuana

States around the nation have decriminalized or legalized marijuana over the last few years. One such state is Washington, where marijuana was legalized. According to the American Automobile Association, the percentage of drivers in crashes with fatalities who were found to have traces of marijuana in their blood has increased 100 percent since marijuana was legalized in the state.

If Illinois is anything like Washington, drivers on the road will be at increased risk of getting in a car accident with someone under the influence of marijuana.

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True or False? Motorcyclists Can Recover Damages if Not Wearing a Helmet

 Posted on January 11, 2017 in Motorcycle Accidents

Plainfield, IL motorcycle accident attorneys, motorcycle accident, recover damagesPeople may presume that if a motorcyclist is in a car accident, then he or she is responsible for his or her injuries, even if fault lies with another driver. Additionally, they may reason that the motorcyclist assumed the increased risk that comes with riding a motorcycle and that the motorcyclist should be responsible for his or her injuries.

This is not true. If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault while on a motorcycle, you will likely be entitled to damages for your injuries. Motorcyclists have the same rights as motorists and passengers on the road.

Helmet Law in Illinois

Illinois is one of three states that does not require a helmet for motorcyclists. The other two states are Iowa and New Hampshire. Illinois does require that motorcyclists wear eye protection or that the bike has a windscreen.

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